Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

A Closer Look at Draft Horses



In this episode of Voices from the Field, NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Tracy Mumma talks with her husband, David Sturman, and daughter, Lina Sturman, about using draft horses on the farm. They discuss some of the jobs horses can do, including logging and agritourism, and some of the different hitches that can help make effective use of horsepower. They also cover some important considerations for anyone considering using draft horses on the farm, based on decades of shared experience using draft horses in Montana.Related ATTRA Resources:·        Draft Animal Power for Farming ·        Episode 333. Draft Animals 101 ·        Episode 334. Teaming Up with OxenAdditional Resources:·        Small Farmer’s Journal·        Draft Animal Power NetworkContact Tracy Mumma at complete a brief survey to let us know your thoughts about the content of this podcast.You can get in touch with NCAT/ATTRA specialists and find access to our trusted, practical sustainable-agriculture publications,