Marketing Today With Alan Hart

418: How to Market Effectively Without Third-Party Data with Jeremy King, Founder and CEO at Attest



Jeremy King is an ocean creature enthusiast as well as the founder and CEO of Attest, a highly successful consumer research SaaS company. Jeremy started his career as a scientist, focusing on genetics, ecology, and animal behavior. He worked for McKinsey & Company for nine years and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School. Attest has headquarters in New York and London, but they serve customers across the world and currently run research in 59 countries. Some of their customers include Unilever, Santander, Walgreens/Boots, Bloomberg, and Trustpilot. To date, Attest has raised close to $75 million in funding, with backing from global venture capital firms NEA and Schroeder’s. On the show today, Alan and Jeremy talk about the mimic octopus, zero-party data, and what he sees as the biggest threat facing marketers today. Up until recently, third-party cookies have been used to make digital advertising and tracking individuals online extremely easy. However, third-party cookies are going away, consumers are