Learning Chinese Through Stories

2.1.11B 故事解读《小壁虎借尾巴》



壁虎 bìhǔ Noun, gecko 尾巴 wěibā Noun, tail 角 jiǎo Noun, corner 墙角,corner of the wall 街角,corner of the street 蚊子 wénzi Noun, mosquito 咬住 yǎo zhù Verb phrase, to bite into; to grip 挣 zhèng Verb, to break; to snap 断 duàn Adj, to be broken into half 逃走 táozǒu Verb, to escape 难看 nánkàn Adj, ugly 爬 pá Verb, to crawl 河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 摇 yáo Verb, to wave (head or tail) ……来……去 ……lái……qù Back and forth 走来走去,walk back and forth 游来游去,swim back and forth 飞来飞去,fly back and forth 行吗? xíng ma? Does (that) work? Will (it )work? Are you Ok with that? 拨水 bō shuǐ Verb phrase, to push aside the water 拨号,to dial a phone number 拨台,to change a radio channel 甩 shuǎi Verb, to swat 伯伯 bóbo Noun, uncle (dad’s elder brother) 赶 gǎn Verb, to drive away; to expel 蝇子 yíngzi Noun, flies 屋檐 wūyán Noun, eaves 空中 kōngzhōng In the air Or天空中 摆 bǎi Verb, to sway 阿姨 āyí Noun, aunt (mom’s sister or friends) 掌握 zhǎngwò Verb, to acquire the information of…; to acquire/master the skill of… 方向 fāngxiàng Noun, direction(s) 难过 nánguò Adj, upset; sa