Chats With Susan Burrell

Steward of Inspiration



Ep#276 - Steward of Inspiration, An Interview with Poet, James Anthony Ellis Welcome everyone to Empowering Chats. In this episode we have a fun and inspirational conversation with poet, James Anthony Ellis.  I entered into this chat with the curiosity of an enthusiastic young child opening a present.  In this case the present is Jim’s latest book entitled, Breadcrumbs Volume 2: Poems and Prose Found Along the Sacred Path.   Jim is a writer, a documentarian and a poet. I opened this chat by asking Jim, Why Poetry? You came from a journalism background so when or how did poetry become part of your self-expression? He responded by saying that he had recently asked himself that same question. The first poem he remembers writing was at the age of 10. And it was entitled, “The Clock of My Life.”  And it was Jim’s first experience of having a big discovery moment where he responded to what he had written with a resounding, “Whoa look at that!” And this is where the unveiling of something bigger than him came throug