Yoga | Birth | Babies

Shining Light On PMADs with Nancy Layish LCSW



Did you know that one in five new parents and pregnant folks have a PMAD (Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder)? About ten percent of the cases come from having a traumatic birth. These are huge numbers and these are just the reported cases. It’s more likely that one in three pregnant people and new parents have a PMAD. Given how incredibly prevalent PMADs are, we need to learn to recognize the traits, know how to support people experiencing them, know how and where to seek help, and most importantly, take the stigma away from them.  To have this conversation I welcomed Nancy Layish LCSW to Yoga| Birth| Babies. Nancy is certified in the field of perinatal mental health and the co-founder of the non profit Central Florida Postpartum Alliance and member of Postpartum Support International. She’s got a ton of great information and she’s just so excited and willing to share it. I hope this episode encourages anyone suffering from a PMAD to know they’re not alone and to seek help. For those that are supporting pregna