Yoga | Birth | Babies

Overnight Postpartum Doula Care with Kristin Revere



When I was pregnant with my first, instead of asking for clothes, onesies, and all of the stuff babies come with I asked for hours with a postpartum doula. My friends pooled their money and got me a day of postpartum doula support and it was the best gift I received. My husband and I were literally waiting on pins and needles for our doula to arrive after my son was born. Despite being a doula and having attended many births, I held my son and thought what do we do with this new baby? Our doula arrived and provided much needed support, confidence, education and the chance for me to rest.  In today’s episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies I speak with Kristin Revere, doula, podcast host, and cofounder of Gold Coast Doulas. I was particularly curious about an aspect of postpartum doulas I was unfamiliar with, overnight work. I learned so much, it’s a really fantastic conversation. As Kristin so beautifully put “Our goal is to optimize rest for the entire family.”  For our parents-to-be who are worried about sleepless