Yoga | Birth | Babies

Birth Not Required with Jessica Lorion



Today I have a unique podcast episode for you. I’m calling it birth not required. Many times people make the assumption that unless you’ve had a baby you should not be supporting pregnant folks. They wonder how someone could possibly relate to what a person feels when they’re going through birth. Personally, I had Prenatal Yoga Center for many years before I had my first child. I was a labor support doula, prenatal yoga teacher, and a lamaze teacher. Sometimes people would say to me “but you’re not going to understand what I’m going through.” And it was true. I might not have had their experience or know exactly what they were going through. However, even after I had two kids, I could only relate to what my experience was which may not be what they will experience.  For today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I have Jessica Lorion the host of Mamas In Training Podcast. Jessica has not had her own kids yet and she’s very much a mama in training. She’s learning about all the options that she’s excited to perhaps