Yoga | Birth | Babies

Mommy Brain with Dr. Jodi Pawluski



Maybe this has happened to you, you’re late in your pregnancy (or you just had a baby), you walk into a room and think, why did I even come in here? Or possibly you’ve walked out the door with two different shoes on (no, not the left and right but different pairs of shoes). Instances like this are often attributed to “Mommy Brain”. No, you haven’ lost intelligence, but yes there can be a little forgetfulness. However Mommy Brain is actually a super power! Instead of thinking about it in the negative, let’s look at some of the amazing things Mommy Brain can do. To learn about our superpowers, I’ve brought Dr. Jodi Pawluski a behavioral neuroscientist and therapist onto Yoga| Birth| Babies today. Jodi and I have a really great conversation about what’s happening with the brain late in pregnancy, after baby, the environment that we’re dealing with, the chaos, as well as the impact of having a baby and parenting decades later. Once a parent, always a parent. I think you’re really going to enjoy this conversation