Yoga | Birth | Babies

Community Birth Story: The Power of Peacefulness with Dia Dearstyne



Today we have a community birth story. I absolutely love having members of our community come on and share about their experience. There are so many different ways to birth and so many times when someone has one idea for their birth and it turns into a different way and I think it is so important to hear all the different unfoldings of birth. So as you head into your birth you have a variety that you can envision. You’ve been informed about all the possibilities from listening to these birth stories so I’m so excited for you to hear Dia’s story. Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies Dia Dearstyne shares her birth story. Dia is a professional dancer turned yoga teacher who I had the pleasure of meeting during her Prenatal Yoga Teacher training with me at PYC. She’s absolutely wonderful and I really enjoy this conversation. What you’re going to hear is how Dia had envisioned her birth and how it turned out, how she used her yoga practice and her pranayama throughout the birth, and really how she was able to use concentr