Yoga | Birth | Babies

All About Pumping with Heather ONeal CNM, IBCLC & Maureen Farrell CLC DEM from Milk Minute Podcast



Pumping is a pretty hot topic among new parents. As a matter of fact, when I polled my postnatal yoga students on what their current concerns were and what they needed support with, nearly everyone had a pumping question. Whether they were getting ready to go back to work or just wanted to spend a little time away from baby, the questions were pretty similar. From how often they should pump, to how much they should pump, to the best pump, and taking care of their pump, everyone felt uncertain about what they were doing. While I pumped to feed my children, this is not my specialty. So, I invited Heather ONeal and Maureen Farrell back onto Yoga | Birth | Babies. We had an excellent chat last year about PPA/PPD medication and breastfeeding and I suspected they would have a lot of expertise to share around pumping, did they ever! Heather and Maureen and midwives and lactation professionals, they host a fantastic podcast called The Milk Minute. On today’s episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies they share practical tips