Yoga | Birth | Babies

Setting Your Baby Up for Successful Sleep with Sarah Skiles



Today we’re talking about one of my all time favorite hobbies, sleep! Sleep (or lack thereof) is a very hot topic among new parents. Recently in one of my Postnatal Yoga classes a mom shared about her experience as the only parent who could successfully soothe her baby to sleep. This was leaving her feeling incredibly burnt out and exhausted. Her sentiment was shared by many members of the community.  On this episode of Yoga|Birth| Babies I’m speaking with Sarah Skiles, pediatric sleep consultant, doula, and advanced newborn care specialist. Sarah’s personal experience with spiraling health and postpartum mood disorders due to sleep deprivation is her driving force behind the passionate way she serves, supports, and guides new parents. Sarah shares tools to help your family build healthy sleep habits from birth, as well as what new parents should prepare to expect and for those with toddler’s Sarah has you covered too! I couldn’t be more excited to share this episode with all of you. If you’re preparing for