Yoga | Birth | Babies

Marisa's Birth Story: Grounded, Uninhibited, and Own Her Own Terms



If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while you know that the birth stories are one of my favorite things to dive into. I think it’s so important to hear about different experiences. Many times we have an image of birth from movies, or our friends or sister, or even our own experience, and these stories can be limiting, scary, or even set unrealistic expectations about the possibilities of birth. This is why I feel it’s so important to hear many birth stories, following parents who’ve made a variety of choices and whose births have taken a variety of paths. Hearing how and why someone chose to have the support of a doula, change their doctor, birth at home, or have a surgical birth, may help bring you peace around the unpredictable journey of birth. It may strike a chord within you to say, that sounds amazing, or exactly like the experience I want, I didn’t even know that was a possibility. It also shows us how unique and personal the birth journey is, not only from parent to parent but baby to baby.