Yoga | Birth | Babies

The Benefits of Postpartum Doula Care with Valerie Trumbower



You’ve probably heard about labor support doulas, the people who help you during your birth, but did you know there are also doulas to help you after your baby is born? They’re called postpartum doulas and they’ll assist you, your family, and your baby. On today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I’m speaking with Postpartum Doula, Certified Lactation Counselor, and mother of three Valerie Trumbower all about postpartum doulas. Valerie guides us through the basics of what a postpartum doula is, what kind of services they provide, and how this differs from the support of friends and family. Valerie works primarily as an overnight doula so we also cover what that looks like for different families.  I had a postpartum doula with both of my children, they’re very practical. From showing a new parent or grandparent the basics of giving baby a bath, to assisting with lactation issues, circumcision care, or helping you unpack your birth postpartum doulas are an incredible resource for you and your family. We even cove