Yoga | Birth | Babies

Polyvagal Theory and Birth with Chantal Traub



Have you ever thought about how your nervous system relates to birth? You can’t birth if you don’t feel safe. Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies, we are going to talk about Polyvagal Theory and Birth. My guest approached me about this topic and I realized I didn’t know much about it. Excitedly, I did my own research and was amazed with what I discovered. Polyvagal Theory and Birth needs to be talked about more. It’s about our nervous systems being regulated. This makes so much sense about the importance of feeling safe, secure and connected to our body when we think about birth. Learning to connect to your nervous system is so important!  To have this conversation I have my dear friend and colleague, Chantal Traub. She’s a NYC birth facilitator, doula, CBE, and menopause coach. She has 20 years of practice and has been internationally acclaimed for her expertise on the pelvic floor and her Pushing Power technique, which is taught here at PYC.  Chantal shares her stories on birth and how the Polyvagal Theory relates