Yoga | Birth | Babies

Vaginal Exams- When and Why to Have One During Pregnancy and Labor with Kara Ffrench



Have you considered why you should have a vaginal exam during pregnancy and labor?  I often say your cervix is not a crystal ball, it’s not going to tell you when labor is going to start.  It’s something I see time and time again, students will come into class excited because they are a little dilated or discouraged because they are not.  My guest today is going to talk about the information we get from vaginal exams and how that will help you make decisions in pregnancy and labor.  She poses the question, are they even necessary before the onset of labor?   On this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, we welcome Kara Ffrench, certified nurse midwife. Kara has been a registered nurse since 2006 and became a midwife in 2014. She spent her midwifery career working in a private practice as well as in a large hospital system. Kara is currently in a private practice attending home and hospital births, including seeing patients for complete gynecological care.   Kara reminds parents that they are in control and make the d