Wise Skies Astrology Podcast

May 2024: Astrology Forecast



May is a 4-month in an 8-year: Minimize. What can you declutter? Get things in order on the home front and with estate planning. Take note of anything that overcomplicates your life or triggers anxiety, and be willing to clean it up. This is a great month to assess priorities and make sure daily actions matchup with your bigger vision. Are there ways you can maximize your time by developing more efficient processes? This is your month to fine-tune. www.TiffanyHarelik.com May Astrology Highlights Pluto retrogrades at 2 deg Aquarius on May 2, which can unearth everything that isn’t working, and hasn’t been built on a solid foundation. Ask Spirit: What do you want to reorganize in my life? What have I overlooked / swept under the rug?This Retrograde will take Pluto back into Capricorn for the last time in our lifetimes (Sept 1 - Nov 19 2024) and then Pluto will be in Aquarius through 2043 as it progresses through the zodiac.  Venus is in her happy place in Taurus, but squares retrograde Pluto. Sometimes things