Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

Reclaim Your Energy: Effective Strategies to Combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)



Chronic fatigue is a debilitating chronic condition characterized by extreme physical and mental tiredness, which does not subside even after sleeping or resting. The severe fatigue can last for over six months.  There is no known test for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and its diagnosis is based on a patient's symptoms after ruling out other conditions with similar symptoms, like depression, sleep disorder, or anemia. The unfortunate thing is that there is no proven cure for CFS, and most treatment only focuses on symptom relief. However, the good news is that natural remedies can help boost your energy from CFS symptoms.  How can I Combat Chronic Fatigue and Regain Energy? Although it may be complicated and overwhelming to cope with CFS, the following are some of the tips and strategies that can help you navigate and combat the illness and regain energy. Practice Good Sleep Hygiene: Start by improving your sleep quality by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding stimulants before bedti