Satellite Sisters

Satellite Sisters March 29, 2013: Lian, Sheila, Liz and Julie on Bruckner Blvd, Broneys & More



Join Lian, Sheila, Liz and Julie today for: Sheila's first time ever renting a car.  (How is that possible?)  And then she finds her way to Bruckner Blvd somehow. Lian rediscovers an old TV friend with her teenage son. They have so many hours of viewing enjoyment to look forward to this spring! She's also very happy to see the change in Matt Lauer's fortunes.  Finally. Julie discovers a brand new subculture at the Brooklyn Marriott.  You'll need to hear her tell it. And Liz wants to know: what would you do with 20,000 pounds of hot cheese? Not hot as in fondue. The other kind of hot. Keep up with Lian's plans for the launch of her new novel Elizbeth The First Wife. She'll be making a "sneak signing appearance" at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at USC on April 20. Don't forget to LIKE her author page on Facebook.  Just search on Lian Dolan Author.  While you are at, be sure to join the Satellite Sisters Facebook Group. See for privacy information. See Privacy Policy at https:/