Satellite Sisters

Satellite Sisters July 14, 2013: Sheila establishes connectivity with Julie, Liz and Monica from her mobile unit



On today's new Satellite Sisters, Sheila establishes connectivity with Julie, Liz and Monica from her new mobile unit parked in front her new base of operations.  Wifi, Skype, air conditioning, coffee and frozen yoghurt are all involved. A social media round-up from our email, blog and Facebook group include a great brithday email from Jill to Julie (see photo left!), birthday Facebook photo from Lu Ann (check the SS Open Group) and a trip in the wayback machine with Kathy Douglass about a show we recorded in November 2005. In the news: Julie has her own emissaries in the Moscow airport transit lounge checking on Edward Snowden.  (Wait until you here who they are!) She also has some thoughts for Kate Middleton, who must really need a Satellite Sister about now. Sheila has the complete update on wardrobe planning for the big family wedding in August.  You thought all the sisters had sworn off the high/lo look?  Not so fast! Monica learns a new bra-ism that might change her life. And Liz files her anticipated T