Tech Talk Y'all

Episode 19: Postal Gigs Amazon Forest Chat Corner Spies Default



In this episode we talk about: The US Postal Service employing autonomous vehicles How you can help make detailed 3D driving maps and get paid Amazon launching a delivery service, delivering to your trunk or in your house, and trying to get the .amazon top-level-domain AOL Instant Messenger is shutting down Researchers have figured out a way to see around corners Israel figured out that U.S. secrets were being leaked to the Russians via Kaspersky An Australia defense contractor lost 30 gigs of classified defense data because they didn't cahnge the default password on their router Two fantastic tech recommendations! PLUS there is a game in each episode. Listen closely and if you win you'll get some cool TTY shwag (read: stickers). Details in this episode!Sponsored By:Prototype Prime: Prototype Prime is an incubator focused on early-stage hardware and software startups. We've got a design and development lab where hardware teams can utilize our 3D printers and our electronics manufacturing capab