Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

The greatest gift of my 30s (so far)



About rediscovering yourself in your 30s ♡ If I could share one revelation with anyone out there navigating the transitions in life, it would be this:   Rediscover those passions or objects that made you feel free before the world told you what to do and who to be. The hobbies you picked up before you asked yourself if they were cool or would pay your rent. Dig them up from wherever you've buried them, and engage with them totally anew - as the grounded, self-assured person you've maybe become, or are becoming. No more pressure to make a career out of them, to get graded or judged. Now it’s just for you. Because life is short and long and time is all there is. It's there inside you, those passions. That essential part of you that never left, it just got mislaid along the way. All it takes is a little courage to find that voice again, to say "Excuse me, this is me we're talking about here. My bliss, my loves, my ecstasies."