House Fluent Radio




It's myth-busting time on the Houseplant Inspections Podcast! Brian and Tony are diving into several home inspection misconceptions that just won't quit. You'd think a brand new construction home would be flawless, right? Wrong! The guys share some jaw-dropping examples of issues they've found, like switched hot and cold lines, cabinets falling off in their hands, and even an alarming hidden leak. Speaking of transparency, Brian gets on his soapbox advocating for pre-listing inspections. By having the home professionally evaluated before listing, sellers can disclose everything upfront and smooth out that stressful option period for buyers. Tony agrees it makes a lot of sense.They also dispel the notion that all home inspection companies are equal. Brian and Tony pride themselves on providing crazy thorough reports packed with all the details you'll need, even years down the road. Like how to operate that fireplace when the power's out!But do inspections guarantee a perfect home if you fix everything on the r