Understanding Christianity

Judges 18: The Infectious Emptiness of Idolatry



Idolatry is a devastating sin because it demotes God to someone we can domesticate or try to control or who we hope will bless us or bring us comfort and convenience. We want a God we can control on our own terms but not the true God of the Bible, who is worthy of worship and obedience. We see two major themes in this passage: (1) If left unchecked, individual idolatry will spread quickly and infect others on a massive scale. (2) Idolatry will only leave you empty, frustrated, and insecure. When you do what is right in your own eyes, and you do not submit yourself to King Jesus, you fall easily into idolatry. Your heart is drawn away to things that only make you feel empty, frustrated, and insecure. Only Jesus, as your true King, can give you salvation, peace, and security and free you from idols. www.seancole.net