Go Girl With Ashley Caprice

Dating Advice I Would Give to My 20-Year-Old Self (172)



I'm turning my dating woes into wisdom and helping you on your dating journey! I've been in situationships, gave way too many chances, and missed major red flags. You'll have your own experiences, but maybe you can prevent some of the same mistakes I made by following the 7 tips I share in this episode. Take a listen to some advice I would give my 20-year-old self! Remember to purchase your copy of The Go Girl Guidebook, A Woman’s Interactive Guide to Self-Love on Amazon. It's the perfect book to help guide you through this year: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Girl-Guidebook-Interactive-Self-Love/dp/1693262193 Keep in touch: https://www.instagram.com/gogirlmovement/ https://www.instagram.com/iamashleycaprice/ https://www.tiktok.com/@iamashleycaprice?lang=en www.GoGirlMovement.org