Bellingham Podcast

Ep. 233 | "The Nostalgists", Part 1



Welcome back to another episode of the Bellingham Podcast! We were late in this episode as AJ and Chris had to fire up the DeLorean on the ol’ Word of Note series to delve into the realm of nostalgia, exploring its intricate ties to marketing, technology, and personal memories. Join us as we take a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reflecting on our own past experiences, and the trends we have started to see in marketing to our generations (Gen X for Chris, Gen Y for AJ). From retro gadgets to the reboots of films, we'll uncover how nostalgia shapes our perceptions and influences our choices in a rapidly evolving world. So grab your headphones, tune in on your transistor radio, and join us in this two part episode on the timeless allure of nostalgia.Show notesWebster “ Nostalgia” : a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable conditionalso : something that evokes nostalgia: the state of being homesick : HOMESICKNESS Nostalgia augments comfort and securit