Emily T Gail Talk Story

Episode 32767: 2016 Emily T Gail gets warm welcome from Marsha Music at her Just Say Hi poem sharing at Urban Consulate June 2016



Marsha Music  recites her poem Just Say Hi and has plenty to share about her words ... it was the first time I had met Marsha. I attended my first Detroit Urban Consulate Parlor Talk in June 2016 to hear Marsha Music. I was going to be giving a Parlor Talk the following week and felt this would be an opportunity for me to meet Marsha Music as  I have enjoyed seeing and hearing her virtually . I also wanted to get a feel for the setting at the Urban Consulate in preparing for my own Parlor Talk the next week.I was overcome with a sense of joy, melancholy, gratitude, optimism, reality, and so many emotions all wrapped up in my response to what Marsha shared ... perhaps most of all the unexpected warm and heartfelt welcome she gave me when she saw I was  there to hear her speak. I did not know Marsha personally and had no idea she knew me.  I knew that night when Marsha spoke to me from her heart I was home. I was at the right place at the right time with the right person coming into my life.  Marsha's words whe