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Joe Navarro | Become an Exceptional Communicator by Mastering These 5 Traits



In today’s episode, we cover becoming exceptional with Joe Navarro. Joe is a retired FBI special agent and recognized as one of the world’s foremost authorities on reading nonverbal communication. He has co-authored many international best sellers including What Every Body is Saying, The Dictionary of Body Language, Advanced Interviewing Techniques, and his latest one, Be Exceptional: Master the Five Traits That Set Extraordinary People Apart. Being an exceptional human doesn’t require anything out of the ordinary, but there are a handful of necessary traits to focus on if you want to be exceptional, so what are they and how do you develop them? What to Listen For What does it mean to be exceptional – 1:53 Why aren’t we taught how to be exceptional or charming when we’re growing up, and how can we learn to be so today? The five traits of exceptional people – 15:21 What does self-mastery look like in today’s world and why is it important if you want to be exceptional at anything? Why is t