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Toolbox | Unlock Your Inner Super Connector by Growing Your Social Capital



In today’s episode, we cover networking with AJ, Johnny, and Michael. Many of us don’t realize there is more to networking than simply showing up to events and introducing, so what kind of preparation should go into networking events, how do you know what value you have to offer those you meet, and how can you use digital platforms to be the super connector no one forgets? What to Listen For Intro to networking and Coach Michael’s recruitment – 0:00 What common misconceptions do people have about networking and interacting with people in your network? What 3 questions can you ask yourself to prevent you from wasting a life-changing networking opportunity? Networking hurdles and overcoming them – 9:50 What does science say about why so many of us feel uncomfortable about networking and what can we do about it? When and where should you avoid networking? Why is networking about more than just career development? Social capital and networking – 21:15 What are the 3 components