Generik & Friends

Ska Makes Me Happy (Ghetto Funk Elements and Lemon & Lime Competition Winner MINIMIX)



Thanks everyone who voted for me by playing/liking/commenting and reposting and contributing to me WINNING the competition. This is what the judges had to say: "This was a difficult competition to judge due to the professional level of each submission. Although there's only 1 winning slot available, every entrant should be proud of their work and exposure you all received. So.... Without further a due; Elements and Lemon & Lime would like to proudly announce Erik Veland as this event's winner!! GenErik submitted a tasty mix of what he likes to call 'Ghetto Funk'. We feel his eclectic style and mix of tunes will be a perfect way to open and welcome everybody to the event! Make sure to get in early and support our local community of upcoming and established dj's and producers! Catch GenErik opening the event from 3pm! Doors will open at 2.45pm." I am simultaneously chuffed and shitting my pants. This will be a thrill! I can now