Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

James White missed the MAIN Point of Contention



Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to yet another video put out by James White bringing charges against Provisionism. Despite the fact that Dr. Flowers is merely answering the arguments and conspiracy theories White is repeatedly propagating on social media, White has the audacity to accuse Flowers of being the one doing "damage control" or being "obsessed," ...go figure.   We will try not get caught up in the weeds of the fruitless banter, but bring it back to the scripture and the main point of our contention regarding unconditional election.   We will give a recap of #GreekGate, where Dr. Joel Korytko, a scholar who knows the original languages, corrected White's errors regarding his appeals to the Greek as if it supported his presuppositions, when clearly it did not. And then we will come back to refocus on the MAIN point of contention, which has yet to be established by Dr. White: Does John 6:44 teach Unconditional Election?    To listen to the original AOMIN broadcast, go here: