Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The rising pressure on poll workers



With the presidential election less than six months away, election workers are raising concerns about their safety. We’ll get into the rising threats to election offices and how that might affect staffing ahead of November. Also, how Tesla’s disbanding of its Supercharger team could impact the Biden’s administration push to expand electric vehicle use. Plus, how a pest control professional saved a baseball game from a swarm of bees. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Nearly Two-Thirds Of Election Officials Worry Politicians Will Interfere With Their Work: Poll” from HuffPost “Local Election Officials Survey” from the Brennan Center for Justice “They staffed the Jan. 6 committee. Threats still follow them” from Roll Call “Musk Undercuts Tesla Chargers That Biden Lauded as ‘a Big Deal’” from Bloomberg “Pest control ace clears Dodgers-Diamondbacks bee swarm, throws first pitch” from United Press International We love to hear from you. Send your questions and comments to mak