Make It Stop: A Bad Music Podcast

Boy Band Thunderdome pt. 1 (w/ Emily Ruskowski, Sake Toomey, and Jenny Chalikian)



Alright #stoppies, I know we say this a lot, but it's true--this episode is our funniest one yet. Seriously, when else have we been able to snag 2 professional comedians (Emily Ruskowski & Jenny Chalikian) and one hysterical burlesque producer/professional babe/future youtube star (Sake Toomey) together in the same room, talking about boy bands? Since TODAY, that's when! We brought our grown ass friends that are also unashamed teenyboppers together for a very special 2 PART THUNDERDOME where they battle it out over whether O'Town's shamelessly sexual liquid nightmare of a debut album can beat out proto-Bieber boyband lil' bro Aaron Carter's early 00s disasterpiece Aaron's Party (Come Get It). Find out who Heather's favorite Backstreet Boy was, why Jacob from OTown had an octopus in his bedroom, and discover which of our panel had no choice but to write a HUNDREDS OF PAGES LONG Aaron Carter fan fiction as a child since they didn't have internet in their room. It's all so funny, we couldn't help but blow our li