Make It Stop: A Bad Music Podcast

Luke Bryan - Crash My Party (w/ Brandon Vallee)



Fire up the engine of your old pickup, grab a cold beer and head on down to the cornfields. Throw the radio on and watch as an endless parade of blue jean clad farmhand girls dance modestly in the headlights. Stay away from those downtown boys because they are the devil incarnate and we'd like nothing more than to steal their women, take them out to the cornfields in our old pickup, grab a cold beer, throw the headlights on and watch them dance the night away in their blue jeans to our favorite song, playing on that old terrestrial radio. Local comedian and podcaster (of Dead Last Podcast) Brandon Vallee joins us and he's just swigging a beer, listening to the radio in his old pickup. And we're gonna drive on down to them old cornfields I'll tell ya. Throw the headlights on and dance the night away. We're listening to Luke Bryan's Crash My Party. It's got everything. Songs about trucks. Songs about beer. Songs about cornfields. Songs about jeans. Songs about kissing girls. Songs about dancing in headlights. A