Make It Stop: A Bad Music Podcast

Lil Dicky - Professional Rapper (w/ Brandie Blaze)



Strap on in #stoppies, because it's time for another hefty dose of White Nonsense(TM) and for this one we're bringing in the big guns. Local rapper and professional fuck abandoner Brandie Blaze joins us this week to take aim at Lil Dicky, perhaps one of the most overhyped and underhanded rapper we've ever discussed on this show. Lil Dicky's brand of aw-shucks faux-self-deprecation is the hallmark of this bloated 19-song flaccid handie of an album, whose culminating message seems to be white people can try on hip hop as a costume and make millions as a shortcut to a comedy career. Isn't that just fucking hilarious? But it's even more wild when Ms. Blaze pulls back the veneer and exposes Dicky for the fraudulent, privileged huckster he is. Plus hear all about the songs on Brandie Blaze's bangin' playlist as an added bonus for making it through this monstrosity with us. Trust me--you don't want to miss it! Check out Brandie Blaze's excellent music here:  Produced by Heather Ma