Delight Your Marriage

429-Faith or Fear: When Will it Matter Enough to You?



Have you ever not done something because of fear? Have you ever done something that felt right at the time, but you were riddled with fear and anxiety later?   Have you ever felt you had more potential than you were living into? Welcome to human nature.  But is that what he should do?  Is that living according to our fears or God's will and His way?  I don't think so.  Instead, the Bible says it's impossible to please God without faith. (Heb 11:6) You might wonder:  Is it required to have faith for your marriage to change? YES. Even Jesus could do no mighty miracles in his hometown because of their lack of faith. (Mark 6:6) Does it mean He will most certainly change your marriage and make you not go through suffering because you have faith? Well, we can look at John the Baptist to see that even if you have faith it's not a guarantee that God will pull you out of the hard situation and cause a miracle. However, the woman with the issue of blood had suffered terribly for over a decade.  She could have allowed h