Life In Motion

From Rapids to Research: Discovering the interconnectedness of rivers and communities with Aaron Zettler-Mann of the South Yuba River Citizens League



In this episode we chat with Aaron Zettler-Mann of the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL). Growing up exploring the creeks and rivers of Humboldt County, Aaron's passion for waterways led him to become a raft guide, where he spent nearly a decade navigating the rivers of the Sierra Nevada. However, Aaron's love for rivers extends beyond recreation; his academic pursuits in geography and fluvial geomorphology reflect his commitment to understanding and protecting these vital ecosystems. As the Executive Director of SYRCL, Aaron channels his expertise and passion into leading efforts to protect and restore the Yuba River watershed. Through SYRCL's initiatives, Aaron and his team unite the community to safeguard the natural environment, recognizing the interconnectedness of rivers and communities. If you've ever wondered how you can unite others to protect the great outdoors, or how curiosity can fuel the next generation, then this one's for you! Life in Motion is brought to you by Act