Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

A Safer Button Battery



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W4w-RLFFy/ Kudos to the Energizer Battery company for working with the nonprofit, parent-initiated Reese’s Purpose foundation to develop the first child-safer button and hearing aid coin battery that helps to prevent the potentially fatal ingestion problem.  These little batteries look good enough to eat.  When swallowed, they lodge in the throat or anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract and burn through the linings leading to devastating consequences. Called the Energizer 3-in-1 Shield, the company has employed 3 design changes to make these tiny batteries safer for babies and young children.  ONE.  The company has covered these candy look-alike batteries with a bitter coating to discourage swallowing.  TWO. These batteries carry a non-toxic blue dye that will discolor the a child’s lips and mouth in order to warn a parent that a battery has been swallowed.  THREE.  Enhanced child-resistant packaging.  Brilliant. This landmark development was driven in no small