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From World Record Combat Kill to Safe House for Deadliest Sniper with Craig Harrison



I talk to Craig Harrison, former British Army sniper turned mental health advocate and survival instructor. Known globally for holding the world record for the longest confirmed sniper kill, Craig's story doesn’t just end with his military prowess. Today, we explore his life beyond the battlefield, discussing not only his remarkable military achievements but also his battles with PTSD, his transition into civilian life, and how he has turned his struggles into a source of strength and teaching. Craig opens up about his initial motives for joining the army and his long-standing physical and psychological battles following 23 years of service. Find out how Craig went AWOL from the Army, joined the French Foreign Legion, and fell into bare-knuckle boxing. Hear how the press leaked the story of his sniper kills in Afghanistan and had to live for three years in a safe house with his wife. We'll hear how writing his bestselling book "The Longest Kill" served as a therapeutic process and led him