Policing Matters

Transforming corrections: The role of data-driven strategies and the human element in rehabilitation



The U.S. corrections system is at a crossroads, grappling with high recidivism rates and the growing need for a shift from punitive approaches to more rehabilitative and supportive measures. By integrating data-driven applications and fostering relationships between inmates and corrections staff, there’s potential to reform how jails and prisons operate. This not only aims to better assess risks but also to ensure the safety of both correctional officers and incarcerated individuals, preparing them for a successful reintegration into society. In this episode of the Policing Matters podcast, host Jim Dudley welcomes Dr. Brian Lovins, a criminology expert and principal at Justice System Partners, and past president of the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA). Dr. Lovins discusses the application of data-driven technologies in corrections and emphasizes the importance of relationship-building in rehabilitation. The conversation delves into how corrections agencies can use these tools to ensure safety