Marvel's X-universe

Marvel’s X-Universe 46 – Magneto hunt continues!



The group continues their hunt for Magneto as they meet up with the Morlocks in the sewers as they drop hints of The Hell Fire Club, as well as there maybe some information about finding Magneto at a bar called “The Bar”. The group heads to the Bar and finds out there is a hit on them from a powerful person in NY. Once the group finds out who this person is they go straight to his penthouse apartment to take care of him. This game takes place in Dallas Texas. Characters include: * John aka “The REAL Metal Adder” // “The Iron Dragon” // “The Metal Master”– Outcast kid in high school, has no real family to care about. Super Power is Magnetic Manipulation. * William aka “Psycho” // “The Bureaucrat” // “The Brain” – Alpha nerd in high school, Genius, distant cousin to Tony Stark. Super Power is Mind Control and Weather Control * George aka “Uber George” // “The Mayor” // “Dr.Speed”