Black Whole Radio

Not So Mad Science w/Prof. Harold Muhammad



Our world is changing and changing in ways we are Unprepared for. We open with words from the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan, and we close out with Sciences of the MIND, Plastic Pollution, Bio-Chemistry, Cancer Research, Astronomy, and close out with the science of Physics. The things can NO LONGER be ignored. In those immortal words of My Father, OUR Father, who IS IN HEAVEN and in Power today, says this....."PROPHECY MUST BE FULLFILLED", (paraphrasing) fear nor but also can be exceeded. With all the horrors in the streets and the wars stillyet unheard, we live with danger inside our OWN HOMES. The sciences will allow us and opportunity to heed the warnings, of The WARNER, and the reminder of the Comforter. This IS "Not So Mad Science".