Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#172: Turn Up the Heat on Your Memorial Day Offer With This 3-Part Framework



The marketplace can feel hectic during big promotional holidays like Memorial Day. So if you want to make it a record-breaking sales opportunity for your small business, there’s only one solution. Create an offer that's simply irresistible. That means you’ve got to understand what resonates for your audience and come up with a value proposition they can't say no to. With the shopping frenzy upon us, how do you ensure your offer not only stands out but calls out to the customers, compelling them to act immediately?    This week, we’re diving into Part 2 of our 3-part series on creating stellar Memorial Day promotions. Podcast producer Bobby Richards, along with Business Made Simple Certified Coach Jessica Miller and StoryBrand Certified Guide Wes Gay, unpack the process of taking those initial offer strategies discussed in Part 1 and locking them in. You'll learn a simple 3-part framework for building and refining your promotion so that it commands attention and drives sales. They’ll also show you what to add