Catholic Health Usa Podcast

Viewing AI Through a Catholic Social Teaching Lens



Nate Hibner, Ph.D., Senior Director of Ethics and Editor of Health Care Ethics USA (HCEUSA) at CHA and Nicholas Kockler, Ph.D., MS, HEC-C, Vice President of System Ethics Services at Providence St. Joseph Health in Renton, Washington, join Health Calls for an enlightening discussion, exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and Catholic social teaching, the topic of Kockler’s recent HCEUSA article. Discover how Catholic social teaching serves as a moral compass for navigating the complexities of AI, illustrating how AI can transcend being a mere tool and become an extension of our commitment to societal betterment by emphasizing values such as human dignity and the common good. Gain insights into the importance of forging partnerships in Catholic health care to ensure that AI is grounded in real-world needs.  Resource:Generating Insights from Catholic Social Teaching: Ethical Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence in Health Care Ministries by Nicholas Kockler, Ph.D., MS, HEC-C - HCEUSA Fall