Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#259 – Insights from Sandra Holtzman: Copywriting, Marketing Strategies, and Business Building



Welcome to episode #259 of Spun Today. I’m your host, Tony, and in today’s episode, we are joined by Sandra Holtzman, an award-winning copywriter, entrepreneur, and author who has profoundly impacted the marketing world. Sandra will share her transformative journey from aspiring writer and choreographer to becoming a key figure in the realm of marketing and education. We will delve into her book, "Lies Startups Tell Themselves to Avoid Marketing," a must-read for entrepreneurs across various fields. Sandra's insights come from years of teaching at prestigious institutions like NYU and from her real-life experiences in starting businesses and navigating the often-treacherous waters of entrepreneurship.   From adapting to technological shifts and overcoming obstacles such as the 2008 recession and the COVID pandemic to her role in shaping the next generation of marketers and entrepreneurs, Sandra’s story is not only inspiring but also filled with practical advice. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a curiou