Uc Today - Out Loud

Maximizing Multi-UC Efficiency: Zooming in with iPILOT



In this second episode of our Multi-UC series in partnership with Nuwave, Rob Scott from UC Today talks to Mark Bunnell, COO of Nuwave, and Jim McGarry, Head of Global Distribution at Zoom.This session is dedicated to unravelling the complexities of Multi-UC challenges within Zoom Phone environments and showcasing the synergistic partnership between Nuwave and Zoom. Our experts discuss the strategic integration of Zoom's capabilities across diverse UC platforms, providing invaluable insights into the operational efficiencies, migration simplifications, and administrative advancements this collaboration offers.As businesses navigate the intricate landscape of Unified Communications, the alliance between Nuwave and Zoom emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering comprehensive solutions that enhance partner and customer experiences. This episode covers a range of pivotal topics, including Zoom's global license distribution, centralized phone management, and the unique administrative features developed