Digest This! Podcast - Dr. Liz Cruz & Tina Nunziato

Episode 444: Picture of Health Story - The Reason Why Many Don't Make Healthy Life Choices @drlizcruz



Join Liz Cruz M.D. and Tina Nunziato, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, as they discuss a recent conversation they had with a bunch of guys...which reminded them about the "Picture of Health" story.  This is the story many people use to justify making unhealthy life choices on an ongoing basis.  To each his own, but just know "stuff" happens even to healthy people.  Unfortunately we don't always know the whole story behind someone's health.  We shouldn't use other people's story to define our own.  Watch us on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/dnUhdp4VYaU Dr. Cruz is a Board Certified Gastroenterologist who practices in Phoenix, AZ. Along with her wife Tina Nunziato, a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, they have helped tens of thousands of individuals get well from a more holistic standpoint. They focus on issues such as constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, heartburn, gas, bloating, food sensitivities, IBS, Crohn's disease, and diverticulitis in addition to a person's general overall health. They do this by te