Podcast Talent Coach

More Podcast Confidence - PTC Episode 033



How To Develop More Podcast Confidence Self-confidence is a battle we all face.  Most recently, I received nearly the same question.  How do I become comfortable as a speaker? We have discussed this topic in the past on the Podcast Talent Coach podcast.  In episode 012, I offered tips to become more comfortable with the timber and sound of your voice.  This week, I would like to give you a few ideas to use to develop more confidence in your content. I had a coaching call and received an e-mail in the past couple weeks that included this topic. Both podcasters were unsure of their speaking ability.  They felt they may lack authority on their topic. I had a coaching call with a gentleman who had recently launched a new podcast. His career to this point had involved public speaking and presenting. He was self-conscious of how he sounded on his podcast. He asked if he should get a voice coach. The second question came in an e-mail. "So far I have interviewed and recorded 3 people and when editing I'm realizing h