Podcast Talent Coach

Podcast Notes vs Script – PTC 357



This week I received a great email from a listener regarding your show prep. How do you balance your time when it comes to podcast notes versus scripting your show? There are benefits to both. Today, I want to show you how to prepare with respect to where you are on your podcast journey. LET'S CHAT Before we get into it, I would love to invite you to have a free podcast strategy call with me. If you are struggling to grow your audience or monetize your show and you would like help building a strategy, take advantage of a free podcast strategy session with me. You can apply for a spot at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. Many people think these calls are just sales calls in disguise like many of the webinars you attend. The guru promises to teach you a ton. All you walk away with is a sales pitch. This call is not that. Here is how it works. You and I get on a Zoom call. We start by getting clear on your goals. Where do you want to be a year from now to happy with the results? Then, we determine where you are