Podcast Talent Coach

Your Episode Goal - PTC 363



You must know where you're going before you can actually get there. That statement is true with a road trip and it is also true with your podcast. When you set out to record a show, you must have an episode goal in mind. Once you've determined what you hope to accomplish, you can then decide how you will make it happen. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you grow your audience to monetize your podcast. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp. So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But it is usually superficial stuff. You now have a chance to join me for a 7-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to grow your audience so you can monetize your podcast. During this event, we will build your audience growth strategy that is perfect for you. This isn't one size fits all. It is spec