Podcast Talent Coach

Driving Listeners Away – PTC 365



You work so hard to attract listeners to your podcast. Growing the audience is a constant challenge for most podcasters. You do all you can to bring more people to the party. The most common questions I get are around growing an audience. But that is only half of the equation. You also must keep your listeners coming back. Unfortunately, there are probably things you may be doing to reverse all of your work and drive listeners away. If you are not aware of these pitfalls, they could undermine your audience attraction efforts. Your audience could be shrinking in spite of your hard work recruiting listeners. There is good news. Once you learn to recognize these pitfalls, you can begin to eliminate each of them from your show. You can make adjustments when you know where to look. There are seven common mistakes podcasters make that drive listeners away. Let's walk through each of them. See if you recognize these within your show. I also give you ways to replace them with good stuff on your show. TALKING AT YOU T